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Join date : 2019-07-30
Age : 21
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Character Creation Empty Character Creation

Wed Jul 31, 2019 2:05 pm
Some of these Rules are taken Directly from the SRN, and some of them have been modified to suit the current Forum.
Regardless of your history with the SRN, please read the rules to refresh your mind and learn anything new you need to abide with.

1. No characters that are related to OR friends with the Canon Characters. We don't need 5 girlfriends of Sonic, 7 best friends of Tails, 10 ARK projects that are just like Shadow, etc. THIS INCLUDES METAL VERSIONS!
1.1 This also applies to Items of interest, you cannot post Items of interest that are freinds, in relation to, or make mention of Cannon Characters or Items, unless permitted by the Guidelines of the SRN, e.g. procurement of a Chaos Emerald etc.

2. Don't make your character OP. This means: Stick to one form (unless you have a good excuse to have multiple), don't have them have too many powers and balance their powers and strengths out by weaknesses. You Researcher can have special powers, but please, we don't need God to join the OMR.

3. If your character is tied to a canon organization/character such as GUN, Eggman, Dark Egg Legion or even ARK, try to keep things realistic. There are no 500 best GUN agents or high ranking Eggman goons. This also means no 500 ARK projects.

5. Try not to give your character or Items of Interests mental illnesses as it can be really, REALLY tricky to play those right and can really insult people experiencing them. If you ABSOLUTELY MUST, do your research, and don't use clichés
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